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Let Go of The Past!! Why is Important

We have become so accustomed to holding onto our past hurts that it affects our love for the present moment and creates a fear of the future. It can take months, even years to let go of our past hurts and move on. Remember that the past is just a memory and it is long gone forever. The more work we do mindfully to release this energy, the more capacity we have for love and to move forward in life free from fear.


Healing your heart starts with forgiveness of yourself first, so today’s task is to stand in front of a mirror; However, it does not matter if this is not possible. Breathe deeply and look right into your eyes and say the following affirmations:

  • “I love you and forgive you”

  • “I love and forgive myself”

  • “I love you and release that which is no longer serving my highest good”

  • “I love you and release ALL of the past hurts, traumas, and negative energy”

  • “I love you what can I do today to make you happy?”

Keep breathing and repeat these affirmations every time negative time you have a negative thought comes into your mind. If you really don’t FEEL the statements to be true that is fine, sometimes we resist letting go, for we know no other way. Keep repeating and repeat them until it feels right for you. These affirmations are such a powerful tool in helping to change our mindsets and perceptions about any situation that happened in the past. When repeated often they become a sort of mantra, a way of being, and slowly we start to resonate with these words and can feel shifts and changes happening within.

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