Cloves are the dried buds of the syzgium aromaticum tree. The buds are harvested from the tree before they open, then dried and sold commercially. Our clove oil is steam-distilled from buds grown in Indonesia.
Common Uses:
Clove oil is a very warming oil that can also numb oral tissue. Diffuse for added protection during the cold season, or apply topically in 1-2% dilution.Fun Fact:
Some natural dentists use clove to pack cavities or root canals when the patient needs to come back to finish their dental work.Aromatic Scent:
Clove Bud Essential Oil smells spicy and rich like actual cloves.Cautions:
Clove Bud Oil can cause sensitization in some individuals and should be used in dilution.
It should also be avoided during pregnancy.
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Felicitaciones por cuidar de su
Mente,Espíritu del cuerpo, y alma.
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