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Emotional Eating Reset


Do you want to feel better, have more energy, and trim down your waistline? Do you want to remove refined and added sugar from your diet and never ever count calories again or be hungry to keep your weight down? But with so much controversy about healthy eating, you feel confused, and you do not know how? The great thing is you don’t have to adopt a healthy lifestyle overnight but only make daily small changes in your mind and body to have everlasting results. On this 4-week online quest you will learn how to:  Protect yourself against chronic disease and promote better health.  Have a healthy weight  Natural way to detox your body & even lose weight  Practice mindful eating which reduced depression, stress, and binge eating  Get the encouragement you need to give up your sweet tooth, use food to cope with stress or depression, and the support you need to change your bad eating habits.  Minimize processed foods from your daily life that often lack important nutrients that your body needs. NOTE: to make sure you will have the results you want on the quest we also include: the Weight Management Bundle and the Weight trimer. All these products are included! This is a small price to pay, compared with the benefits you will get when you apply the principles of Ayurveda in your life that you will learn during the quest. Remember, when you lose your health, you can lose everything. Do it for you! for your life! for your family! They will be happy to see you healthy!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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